I Write…

once uponThis blog article is all about self-publishing your book through Amazon KDP. There are many different opinions about the world of Amazon. Some say that it’s the greatest platform for writers—other say it’s a platform you should strive to be on. In this article, I want to look at four myths about self-publishing that you may have heard of, and the truth about those myths…

“You don’t need a physical version of your book…”

CreateSpace is an amazing company that can print your book on demand. You can have a physical copy of your book. Why would you actually stop yourself from having a physical copy of your book? Why would you deny yourself a product that many people will buy? Did you know that the majority of non-fiction books are sold as hard copies? Don’t discount the power of the printed word.

“It’s easy to get your self-published book into book stores…”

Most authors can tell you that getting placement for your book in a bookstore is hard. Bookstores only want to give space to proven authors. There’s a self-publishing company called Lighting Source, which has a relationship with Ingram books. Ingram distributes books to all the major bookstores. Ingram can get your book in a bookstore’s catalog but not necessarily in the actual bookstore. Don’t be sold on expensive programs that promise to get you into stores. Research thoroughly and do it yourself.

“You don’t have to market your book because Amazon is too big to fail…”

It doesn’t matter how good your book is, your book will sell or languish depending on the marketing that is done. Remember the hundreds of thousands of books that are published every year? Many good books go unnoticed. Writing a good book is just the start. Marketing gets the book noticed and persuades people to buy it. Don’t think for a second that Amazon will do the marketing for you—they won’t.

“One book will make you rich…”

Successful self-published authors have multiple books. It’s possible for one book to take off, but that’s the rare exception, not the rule. Multiple books, especially series, give all of your books a better chance to sell. If someone buys one of your books and likes it, they’re likely to buy your other books. Don’t be caught in the trap of believing that one book will make you fantastically successful.

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I Speak…

fear1We’ve looked at some of the major ways to learn how to better your public speaking, but this week we are going to look at a few things it would be unwise to do. Many public speakers fall into these traps—but with a little bit of help, you will avoid them altogether and forge a successful and powerful speaking personality.

Don’t Forget to Tailor Your Speech to Your Audience

Ask yourself: “Who is my audience? What are their issues? How does my message actually help them? How much do they know about my topic? What will I ask them to do in response to my message?” All the best practices in public speaking depend upon this first tenet: Know Your Audience, and know them well enough to realize that they want what they want.

Those Wanderin’ Eyes

From beginners to veterans, the majority of speakers fail to maintain meaningful, sustained eye contact with their listeners. Lack of eye contact implies a list of offenses: insincerity, disinterest, detachment, insecurity, shiftiness, and even arrogance. To visually connect with your audience, try to maintain eye contact for at least two to three seconds per person, or long enough to complete a full phrase or sentence. Effective eye communication is the most important nonverbal skill in a speaker’s toolbox.

Yes, Your Mannerisms Can Be Annoying

There are, at least, twenty common tics to tackle, including: clenching or wringing your hands, pacing back and forth, keeping your hands in pockets, jingling change or keys, twisting your ring, gripping the lectern, licking your lips, adjusting your hair or clothing, fidgeting with a pen, bobbing your head, placing your arms behind your back, and touching your face. Record yourself speaking and watch the playback. Practice often to increase your comfort level and reduce anxiety.

You Didn’t Have Time to Rehearse?

Most great speakers prepare. To optimize their perception of you and get the outcome you want, perform the entire presentation aloud at least once, and the opening and closing at least three times. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you know what you are doing and saying, without having to put the work into presentation.

“That Speaker Lacked Energy…”

Enthusiasm is an audience’s most desired trait in a presenter. Conversely, a boring delivery — evidenced by a low monotone voice, dull facial expressions, and overall lethargy — is their most disliked trait. Ever see the movie “Ferris Bueller?” Think about that droning teacher and avoid channeling him at all costs. Increase your energy level. Speak expressively, smile naturally when you feel a smile is warranted, move naturally, and enjoy the moment. Just be the speaker everyone knows you can be.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Teach…

coachOver the latest few weeks, we have talked about all the different ways a life coach can help you. This week, I’d like to talk a little about how you can help yourself and become a life coach. This two-part article will lay out a path—a path that you can use to help others.

Step 1

The first step in learning how to become a life coach is to first decide if you truly do want to become a life coach.
Coaching is a process in which a coach works with a client to enhance their quality of life or business. A life coach is not a therapist or adviser. The definition of a Life Coach is someone who works with clients to enhance their quality of life through skilled discussion, goal setting, and action planning. A great life coach is someone who can see past problems and help their client see a way forward without doing it for them.
You must be an individual who likes to help people without imposing your own opinions on individuals. The client speaks for themselves most of the time. This is because the client has the answers inside of them, and a coach simply helps highlight and bring those answers to surface. The client is the real expert in their own lives. You are just the vessel by which they learn.

Step 2

The second step of how to become a life coach is to decide which type of life coach you want to be. There are many different types of life coaching niches such as:

• Weight loss coach
• Relationship coach
• Divorce recovery coach
• Career coach
• Health and wellness coach

The best way to decide the type of life coach to become is to combine your passion with your experience. Take, for example, your own skills. If you have a passion for helping people to thrive in their career and you have experience or education in doing so, then you may consider becoming a career coach.

Step 3

The coaching industry is self-regulated. There aren’t any licensing or certification requirements at this time. In addition, you do not need a coaching degree to become a Life Coach. But you must make sure that you have the right skills and tools to practically apply yourself towards your client’s goals. If you aren’t sure that you have these skills—you may want to take part in a life coach training program and become a certified life coach.
When choosing a training program, keep in mind that there aren’t any federal or state accreditations for life coaching. Therefore, any schools offering certifications are either self-accredited or accredited through a self-accrediting organization, including the International Coach Federation.

Step 4

The forth step of how to become a life coach is to have or learn life coaching skills. Do you have these skills?

• Ability to listen
• Ability to ask powerful questions
• Ability to motivate clients and help them overcome obstacles
• Planning and goal Setting
• Designing action plans
• Neuro Linguistic Programming (how the mind works)
• Ability to understand what’s on the client’s mind
• Experience with life coaching tools
• Life coaching ethics and standards
• Ability to create an awareness in clients

And most importantly…

• Patience

Step 5

After you have received your initial life coach training, you should always be looking to continue your education and expand your skills. Take other life coach classes either online, through books, websites, seminars, workshops, etc. Grow as a life coach and remember that each new client gives you the opportunity to not only help someone fulfil their potential, but help you become a better life coach.

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I Teach…

We’ve talked about how coaching can help you, but how much do you know about the different kind of coaches available? I decided to pull together a list of all the different kinds of coaches available. If you are looking for help, it helps to know the kind of help available to you! Enjoy!

Career Coaching

This coach can help you make decisions and changes regarding your career. Whether you need help reconsidering the current direction of your career or you need help making a career change, they are here to help you.

Business Coaching

This would be the right direction if you are (or are considering becoming) a business owner. Coaching will help you evaluate if business ownership is right for you, and, if so, assist you to become the most productive and successful business owner you can be, while balancing your personal and family lives at the same time.

Mentor Coaching

This will help you discover if becoming a life coach is right for you by engaging a mentor coach, one of the three ways to become a life coach.

Personal Coaching

This will help you deal with any personal goals you might want to achieve. Personal coaching will help you achieve your goals ranging from weight loss to starting afresh in a new location or transitioning from home ownership to owning and living in a condo.

Sales Coaching

Are you looking to become a great salesperson? This coach would be the one to help you become a more successful and productive sales executive. Through coaching, you will learn how to discover and work “in the zone” and how you can be most effective on your terms.

Leadership Coaching

Do you want to discover and own your personal leadership potential? You will learn to become more effective at understanding people and discovering your vision for your team or your organization. Then you will learn how to win over people to support that vision.

Management Coaching

This might be the one for you if you are transitioning into a management position or if you have been a manager for a while. Or if you feel you need to adjust your attitude or your style to be more effective and efficient.

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The Coach Series: Signs of a Great Life Coach: Part 2

once uponPeople spend much of their time wondering whether or not they need help. At some point in all of our lives, we need to take a step back and ask others for help. I believe we all have a purpose—but to achieve our purpose we need help.

Moving Forward

Time is the scarcest resource that exists.  You can always make more money, but you can’t get more time.  Yet, when we attempt to do things on our own, we’re taking the long route and wasting that time.  This is simply because we don’t know the path ahead and what to expect. With a coach, you can take a journey and know that you aren’t taking it alone. You will have the support to make the journey and achieve what you thought was impossible. If we do things alone, we stand a chance of getting lost, becoming frustrated. But with a coach, you will find that those things are less likely to happen.

Save Yourself the Stress

I’ve already somewhat mentioned above how having a life coach will save you stress and frustration.  Why try to re-invent the wheel?  It’s already been invented, and it’ll be so much easier to just learn from someone who knows what they’re doing.  The stress, pain and frustration that you’ll go through trying to figure things out on your own isn’t worth it.  Trust me.

Being Accountable for Your Actions

All of a sudden, YOU become more accountable to follow through on whatever you’re procrastinating, and stopping yourself from doing.  We all place limits on ourselves.  We all have limiting beliefs and patterns that are holding us back, preventing us from fulfilling our true potential.  When you have a life coach who is there to push you beyond your limits and what you thought was possible, a breakthrough happens.  Your entire belief system changes, and you take your life to another level.

Know Thyself

One of the most valuable parts of coaching are the lessons and insights you will get about yourself.  You’re always getting feedback and discovering more about yourself in the process.  A coach is able to point out all kinds of things and help you become aware of them, so that you can change them.  Often it is just the little things that make a massive difference.  I’ve seen incredible transformations within people just by making small changes to their way of thinking. Most people you’re around on a daily basis won’t point out these things to you or give you feedback, but a coach will.

Belief, Purpose and Confidence

There are so many ways that we limit and hold ourselves back.  There’s things that we WANT to do but often aren’t doing, simply because we don’t have the belief or confidence in ourselves.  When a coach proposes something, you might be hesitant. You might believe you can’t do it. You might believe that it takes a different kind of person to achieve—what seems to be—the impossible. The truth is that normally you are just afraid, and that fear takes over. A coach can recognize this, and help you get past it. Give yourself a pat on the back, and know that sometimes we need someone else to help us achieve our dreams.

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Publishing Your Book: Preparing Your Book For Createspace: Part Eleven

once uponAfter writing a book, many people want to know how one goes about publishing a book. A well-known author once said recently that “it’s no great feat to get one’s book published—it’s no great mountain to climb.” He is right, but his opinion is subjective. To you, reading this blog, it is a huge mountain to climb to get your book published. There are many paths you can take up that mountain, but it is still a huge feat.

This week we are going to look at using one of the most common paperback publishing platforms, CreateSpace. Let’s take a look at some of the basics of uploading your book to CreateSpace. You can hire a professional to do this, but more than likely you will want to do it yourself.


This might seem obvious, but a little planning can go a long way to getting best result for your book. I’m not talking about the actual writing of it – you’ve probably got that under control.

Things to think about when you’re planning your book:

Opening and setting up an account with CreateSpace
What size do you want your book to be?
Have you purchased your own ISBN? If you haven’t, don’t worry. CreateSpace will assign an ISBN to your book.
Has your book been formatted?
Now take a few minutes to think about what you’re going to need on hand to complete the publication of your book. You will more than likely want to work all of this out before you even start.
Title of the book
Author name
Series title, if applicable.
Publication date
Description: How are you going to describe your book to prospective readers?
Author biography: What are you going to tell readers about yourself?
Category: Which category are you going to assign your book? Is it inspirational? Is it a romance? What is it?
Keywords: 5 terms that you can input that will help people find your book—for example “western.”
Price: How much is your book going to be to purchase?

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Learn The True Power of #Hashtags This Warrior Wednesday!

once uponTo be a true entrepreneur, you have to keep yourself ahead of the trends, and that’s part of what our Warrior Wednesday is about. We want to inspire you to achieve the very best you can, and we want to give you many of the tools that you will need to get there. This week, I’d like for us to continue looking at #hashtags. In recent years, the #hashtag has become important to marketers at every stage. Some of the biggest companies in the world have used #hashtags to the greatest effect on #Twitter.

Let’s see how they did it…


Just to prove that even a mundane company like Charmin can compete—we are going to start this list with one of their most successful campaigns. This is a prime example of a company really getting to grips with their product—and it was surprising to see such innovation from a toilet paper manufacturer like Charmin. The tissue company broke out of its ‘boring’ niche with the campaign #TweetFromTheSeat, which had people use that hashtag when they were, well… most likely to use it.

#PutACanOnIt—Red Bull

Recently popular drink company Red Bull came away with the prestigious “Best Use of a Hashtag” Shorty Award with its #PutACanOnIt campaign. Though the hashtag was created by Red Bull, it was inspired by a photo the company found on Twitter wherein the photographer is seen holding a Red Bull can above a Mini Cooper to make it look as though it was a trademarked Red Bull car.


Oreo, a company notorious for a fantastic social media presence, really outdid itself when it created one of the most fun Halloween hashtags of all time. The cookie company created quick, Oreo-themed parodies of popular horror films. This campaign helped the company maintain their position with today’s buyers.

#ShareaCoke—Coca Cola

Coca Cola has had some seriously amazing marketing initiatives over the years. From the classic “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke”—all the way through to the Twitter age. One of the best examples of their advertising genius in the modern world is the unique way they rigged their vending machines to interact with customers.

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Publishing Your Book: Websites That Help Promote Books: Part Ten

once uponAfter writing a book, many people want to know how one goes about publishing a book. A well-known author once said recently that “it’s no great feat to get one’s book published—it’s no great mountain to climb.” He is right, but his opinion is subjective. To you, reading this blog, it is a huge mountain to climb to get your book published. There are many paths you can take up that mountain, but it is still a huge feat.

This week, I would like to look at some of the places you can list your book for free to get noticed. These five sites have been proven to be some of the most effective free promotion in the book world. But even with these sites there are some ups and downs. The downside is that you will still be fighting for places on these sites with thousands of other authors. The upside is that once you get listed on these sites they may well help you create sales.

All of these sites give your book potential—the potential to get a huge dose of publicity and a run of strong paid sales. These paid sales will drive your rankings and will turn into more sales. People always say that the free stuff isn’t worth it—but sometimes it is.

Addicted to eBooks

This website is perfect for readers who love cheaper books. The website also allows authors to rate some of the content of their book. If you want to know the level of sexual, violent or rude content before you buy a book, this site will appeal to you. I’m excited that authors can now rate their books for the readers.

Author Marketing Club

One of the best resources for writers. You don’t have to chase around the internet trying to find sites to submit to. You can just go to the Author Marketing Club and see which sites are available to use.

Books on the Knob

Bargain reads, free ebooks and book reviews for the Amazon Kindle, nook, Kobo, Sony and other ereaders, Kindle Fire, nookColor, Kobo Vox, and other tablets, along with some games and other stuff. A useful site for authors to know about.

Digital Book Today

Includes both free and paid options for writers looking to promote. A great place to promote your book, and a place that you may have to work to get into—but once you are, you’ll reap the rewards.

eBooks Habit

Each day, this site brings you 20-30 great ebooks that are free at the time of posting, as well as some bargain ebooks with reduced prices. If you have a promotion going on—a free giveaway, etc.—then this may be the site for you.

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Let Your Worries Go with the Wind on Warrior Wednesday…

fear11“Let it all go and just look to achieve… look be at peace with yourself, make your warrior Wednesday the best day of your week!”

Living in the modern world isn’t easy. Your whole life may feel like it is exploding around you on a daily basis. The constant demands on your time, energy and finances can be more than you can bear. Obstacles, roadblocks, arguments, problems and people are all things that lead to stress. This week, I want to talk about ways to relieve yourself of these everyday stresses that will stop you from achieving your dreams.  Kick back, forget about the world and its problems, and indulge in the things you love.

Become Addicted to Reading

Picking up a book allows you to get away — without even leaving your room. Take this time to learn about any topic you wish, including whatever it is that’s causing your current stress. You can gain insight, advice and peace of mind by reading. If you need some good suggestions, check out this list.

Write Off Your Stress

Writing is something that many of us don’t do on a daily basis anymore. Yet many people believe that it’s one of the most powerful exercises to success.  Experts believe that writing can help you better understand any dilemma or situation. Why don’t you pick up a diary and start jotting down your problems? You may find that the answers come to you easier with the problem on paper.

Exercise Yourself to Health

You’ve probably been told this a thousand times. Exercise is a good way to relieve stress. You can literally lose yourself in something so consuming. Time can fly when you are at the gym. From working moms to billionaires, the gym has been a proven stress reliever for everyone.

Relaxation and Meditation

One of the most amazing ways to destress is to meditate. You can remove yourself from everything going on around you and truly relax. Meditation has been proven to help remove stress, focus your mind and to help you see clearly. Give it a try!

Dump Technology

Every single person on this planet seems to be obsessed with their email, Facebook, Twitter, and the internet. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to really relieve yourself from stress until you remove technology from the equation. Try to switch off all the devices and spend some time in the real world, away from problems, clients and all the other things that stress you out. You’ll find yourself unwinding soon after unplugging!

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It’s Warrior Wednesday. How do you feel today, friend?

fear11Knowing that you are thriving, achieving, loving and lasting is what keeps me going!

Have you ever wondered why some people prosper, and some just never seem to make their goals reality? I think everyone has, but the truth is that it really doesn’t matter. Some of us have an easy road to success—and others have to work at it. But all success should be celebrated and congratulated because the success of one human being means that our success is just as achievable.

Think for a second about the people you meet in your everyday life. Don’t you sometimes meet negative folk who just seem to tear others down? What do you think makes them so unhappy? Is their own lack of self-achievement really that painful? Then sometimes you meet people who are vibrant, happy, optimistic and open to achievement. How different can two groups of people be? Very different. But the question is: Who are you?

Are you the negative hater of achievement, or are you the happy-go-lucky, lover of life? One of these paths will lead you to your goals. The other will destroy your dreams and make you a slave to misery. Maybe today is the day to choose which way you are going to go.


A super-successful person loves people. He/she can spend hours around people and can overlook the problems that people put in their way. Love is such a jaded word today—but a truly successful person loves everyone.


What do you truly want from life? That’s the biggest question you can ask yourself. What do you desire? How can you make that desire a reality? How can the way you treat others better your life? How can helping others reach their desired goal in life help yourself? These are questions to ponder on your way through life. Will helping others help you? A large percentage of successful people would say that it will.

Forget Everything You Know

Sometimes the pre-programming we all have makes us angry, disappointed, jaded. Sometimes we just need to forget all that we know and relearn how to live, love and work. Sometimes all it takes is a casual reminder to yourself to forget the old ways—learn the new ways. Embrace positivity.

Life Is Always Fun

Every single day, we all go through changes, problems and journeys that change the way we look at the world around us. Sometimes all we need to realize is that the world we live in is controlled by us. We control and experience every single kind of situation. Have you ever considered trying to just spend your day marvelling at the things that go on around you? Try it—you will be amazed.

Forget Worry

Worry is the root of all evil. Worrying about losing your job, losing your house, losing your wife, losing your husband. Worry is all the things that hold us back. Try to forget all of the things that make you upset, tired or that drain your energy. Try to focus on all of the good that happens every single day. Because every single day something good DOES happen to you! You can bet your life on it.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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