Publishing Your Book: Amazon Free Giveaways: Part Seven

once uponAfter writing a book, many people want to know how one goes about publishing a book. A well-known author once said recently that “it’s no great feat to get one’s book published—it’s no great mountain to climb.” He is right, but his opinion is subjective. To you, reading this blog, it is a huge mountain to climb to get your book published. There are many paths you can take up that mountain, but it is still a huge feat.

One of the basic things you can do to raise awareness of your book on Amazon is to set up a free giveaway through the KDP system. This is an opt-in system that you can choose to join. KDP allows you five days per enrolment period. You can use those five days together or separately; and during each day of free giveaway, your book will be available for people to download for free from Amazon. It’s pretty simple, eh? Well not entirely. There are still problems, the chief one being that you still need to drive traffic to the Amazon page and encourage people to download the book.

The upside to this is that if the promotion is done properly, you will get a huge dose of publicity and a run of strong paid sales. These paid sales will drive your rankings and will turn into more sales. It takes some time to set up a successful giveaway—but it can pay off in a big way.

Free Doesn’t Mean Desirable

There are thousands of books available for free download every single month. Just because you have your book available for free, it doesn’t mean that thousands of people will automatically download it. You have to ask yourself a few questions. The first is: Does my book have an audience? The second is: Where are the people who like my book spending their time online? The third is: How am I going to reach that audience? Don’t just rely on a book being free to drive interest—try to actually seek out your audience and present them with the opportunity to download your book.

Using Freebooksy and Other Free Book Mailing Lists

There are a lot of aids to help you drive your book to a bigger audience. One of the biggest is a mailing list called Freebooksy. This is a large mailing list that goes out to readers via email. You can get your book placed on the list, if you meet their criteria, and you will find that their subscribers will start downloading your book. There are other services like this—Bookbub, etc. that perform the same job.


Being the number one free downloaded book doesn’t mean you will necessarily become the number one paid book. It’s easier to gain a number one when the book is free, but you may find it more of a struggle to reach the paid number one position. Don’t be concerned when your free giveaway ends and you go back into the paid rankings—you may be ranked far lower—but the chances are that your ranking will climb due to the publicity you’ve received from the free giveaway.


Some authors like to add a banner to the front of their book cover. The banner can draw attention to the fact the book is free, or will be free, and people who see the book on Amazon will see the banner. Little techniques like this can really help boost your free giveaway and draw attention to your book.

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Publishing Your Book: Platforms: Part Four

fear11After writing a book, many people want to know how one goes about publishing a book. A well-known author once said recently that “it’s no great feat to get one’s book published—it’s no great mountain to climb.” He is right, but his opinion is subjective. To you, reading this blog, it is a huge mountain to climb to get your book published. There are many paths you can take up that mountain, but it is still a huge feat.

There are a few things to consider before pressing that “publish” button. That’s what we are going to talk about this week. The last minute problems that crop up, or get forgotten, as writers rush to get their book onto the market. For example, how often do you think about keywords? Categories? How about author name? These might seem like easy things now—but authors all around the world have forgotten to fill in the metadata before they hit the publish button—and those authors have been cramped by these problems throughout their book publishing run.


These seem like gobbledygook, meaningless things when you first see a section to select keywords. What is a keyword? Well, take a major publishing platform like Kindle, and you will see that there is space for seven keywords. These keywords are how readers find your book. Many authors just overlook this spot on the page and don’t fill them in. That would be a mistake. Take some time, think about what search terms people will be using to search for your book. Is it a Western? A horror novel? A book about bamboo sticks? What is it? Fill in the space with words that will help you sell books.


This is a crucially overlooked part of the publication of a book. People tend to find the biggest category that applies to their book, and then just add it to the metadata. But normally, you get to pick two categories. Spend some time going around Amazon and looking at the different category opportunities out there. Look to see where similar books to yours have been placed. It’s a good idea to note that the smaller categories will give you more exposure. Why? Because it will take you less sales to get to number one in a small category, and then once you’ve hit number one, the momentum of being at number one will hopefully keep you there.

Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, DNP, MA, BSN
Your Vision Midwife, Lifestyle Entrepreneur
Radio/TV Host

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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David Bowie Dies at 69! A Legacy Lesson for All! Princess of Suburbia Chimes In!

David Bowie Dies at 69! A Legacy Lesson for All! Princess of Suburbia, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, Chimes In!

David-Bowie_Chicago_2002-08-08_photoby_Adam-Bielawski-croppedI woke up to the sad news of David Bowie…Dies at 69! Understanding how his family may be feeling as I had just lost a brother barely 6 days ago, my first inclination was to find out what legacy he left behind. While many may be stuck on how he died, I have a different view about it. I shared this on my periscope broadcast today (CLICK HERE).

Many who follow me on periscope (@PrincessinSub) and BLABTV ( know how passionate I am on the importance of writing our Legacy Statement and allowing that legacy statement to point us to our true calling or passion or life purpose, as you may call it. David Bowie exemplified that.

photo by_Adam-Bielawski

Here is why:
(1). Every media outlet I turned to this morning said one great thing about his legacy: that he was “a master re-inventor and a compassionate business man.” This is a legacy his family should be incredibly proud of. It was amazing that not many talked about how much he made but more on the lives he impacted while he was with us. This is a legacy worth celebrating for generations to come.
(2). Another media outlet talked about the fact that he was someone who tried things and when it didn’t work, he knew when to let go, then re-invent his life purpose. Because he was great at it, his music cut across generations. While many artists in his generation may have faded away, he remained known. He was also a family man, who kept his family as private as he could.
(3). Once he re-engineered his life purpose, he worked at it. As a matter of fact, David Bowe’s last music was released last week, few days before he turned 69.

Here is a question for you today, if you took your last breath today, what would your legacy be?

Live Life Full, Leave It Empty




Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock, DNP, MA, BSN
Your Vision Midwife, Lifestyle Entrepreneur
Radio/TV Host


Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose



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(C) Copyright 2016 The Princess of Suburbia(R)

It’s Warrior Wednesday: …If Only He Came Soon….


Have you ever felt frustrated, overwhelmed, and in disarray about a situation in your life…. where you wished and thought, if only God had intervened soon enough, your loved one would not have died? If Only God had intervened soon enough, the business or dream you were trying to make happen would not have collapsed? If Only, He had come soon enough, things would not have turned out the way it did.

  “Lord if only…Lord if only… Lord if Only!”

Many are afraid to admit this but there have been times in my life where I just didn’t understand the initial outcome of a promise I knew God had deposited into my life, or why I put so much work into something or someone and it turns sour when I was sure it was God who’d asked me to do that or forge that relationship.

Join me in exploring some scriptural verses today to help ease our minds:
John 11:39 New International Version(NIV) John 11: 1-45
39 “Take away the stone,” he said.
“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

Imagine a loved one gravely ill; your family members prayed and fasted and at the end of the day, that loved one dies… How do you reconcile with this?

Now imagine, a dream you had nursed for long, you have pumped all that you had in it, prayerfully considering your path, pushing forward because you really believed you were made to solve that problem through your innovative idea. At the end of the day, things did not happen the way you envisioned.

Imagine a relationship you were truly dedicated to building, knowing that this person is who you will live the rest of your life with; or go into business with, or perhaps you were meant to mentor, but then it all ended in painful breakups.

The Story of Lazarus:
The story in John 11 is that of Lazarus. He fell gravely ill and his family did all they could to get Jesus attention to visit. When he finally got to the town, he was met with mourners in sack clothes … there was much wailing and turmoil. Many probably did not understand what Jesus was doing as he walked among them examining their countenance. I can imagine all of the murmuring and some saying, what is Jesus doing here? Didn’t He realize that the man – Lazarus is now dead? Some even said it to his face, don’t you see or know that Lazarus has been dead for 4 days? When we needed you to come, you did not show up? What could you possible do now that his body is decaying?

Jesus Response to the People’s Behavior:
How could they have doubted the father? How could they have doubted that he did not hear them? How could they have doubted that He knew exactly what had happened and that he was still the same person who’d performed much miracles before Lazarus death?

But that God many be glorified and that he (Jesus) fulfills his promise…he called out to Lazarus.. and commanded him to come forth from underneath the grave. Immediately, the stones covering the mouth of the tomb were pushed back and Lazarus came out.
300px-'The_Raising_of_Lazarus',_tempera_and_gold_on_panel_by_Duccio_di_Buoninsegna,_1310–11,_Kimbell_Art_Museum                        Source: The Raising of Lazarus, by Duccio, 1310–11

While we may not understand why it takes Forever for God to answer our prayers, He has heard us the very first time we made our request.  Often the answers are waiting for us to fully align with God’s words, be ready to receive it, having the right attitude to sustain the answer.

Wisdom Nugget for Today:
Take the limits off GOD! Take the limits off His Power. He is God who answers ALL prayers and because He sees the future more than we do, HE ANSWERS THE WAY HE KNOWS IT WILL EVENTUALLY BENEFIT US.

In the case of Lazarus, Jesus was not 4 days late but HE WAS RIGHT ON TIME. Likewise, whatever the dream is that seems dead right now, if you take the limits off God, HE will breathe life into it and cause it to prosper at the right time. Our time is never His time. He owns the past, the present and the future and because He knows your DNA, He will never allow any vision, dreams, or goals to crush you ..which can happen if fulfilled sooner.

Today, choose to take the limit off God…. Move into the realm of possibilities, trusting that he knows the right time to release that which you have asked. Continue to abide in the will of the father for your life, crushing every fear, every doubts, every past pains from failure with the understanding that today’s FAILURE is a platform for TOMORROW’S GREATNESS.

Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock, BSN, MA, DNP.
Author, Screenwriter, Speaker, Behavioral Health & Transformation Interventionist


(C) Copyright 2016   The Princess of Suburbia (R).

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Get Over Yourself & Out of Your Own Way!

Get Out Your Own Way!

get out of your own way

Many see success as a mystery because they have had so many unsuccessful ventures &/or relationships that they have now resolved that perhaps they are not meant to succeed.

On today’s episode, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock will talk frankly and help you understand why you have failed or things are not going quite well in your life. LISTEN HERE!

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(c) 2015 Princess of Suburbia (R) Original posting at

It’s Warrior Wednesday: The Road to Success Requires Some “Housecleaning” & “Heart cleaning”

It’s Warrior Wednesday:  Southern Warrior Sister, Dr . Princess Fumi Hancock presents:
The 5 Minute Success Blueprint

The Road to Success Requires Some “Housecleaning” & “Heart cleaning”

The Road to Success Requires Some “Housecleaning” & "Heartcleaning"
In Just 5 Minutes, You Will Garner Cutting edge Wisdom Nuggets to thrust you to your Destination. Knowledge is POWER. LISTEN!

The Road to Success Requires Some “Housecleaning”.
Housecleaning – The removal of unwanted or superfluous items, practices, conditions, or personnel.

Many are not successful because they lack complete focus. At one time, they are doing something but before they see the success of that one thing, they have moved unto something else. Are you guilty?

On today’s episode, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock will discuss the importance of doing some house and heart cleaning before taking a step towards success. LISTEN. LIKE, & SUBSCRIBE HERE!

Check Out the #1 habit You Must Avoid Like a Plague to Succeed
And lots more.

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It’s Warrior Wednesday: The #1 Habit You Must Avoid Like a Plague to Succeed!

It’s Warrior Wednesday:  Southern Warrior Sister, Dr . Princess Fumi Hancock presents:
The 5 Minute Success Blueprint

What is the #1 Habit You Must Avoid Like a Plague to Succeed?

“There is no respect for others without humility in one’s self”~ Henri Frederic Amiel
The #1 Habit You Must Avoid like a Plague to Succeed~ The 5 minute success blueprint

Princess Fumi shares her heart and walks her listeners through important facts/ dangers and the #1 plague which can stop anyone from fulfilling their calling.

Many fail to appreciate or honor the connection God places in their lives. They often disregard other people’s’ opinions and do not understand that true friendship or mentorship tell the truth at all cost, even when the truth is hard to swallow.

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR TRIBE: Southern Warrior Sister Tribe
DOWNLOAD FREE APP at Google App Store
Official Self Help Information at: YourInnerYou

Original Copy (C) Copyright 2015 The Princess of Suburbia(R)

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Imagine an Epic Moment in Your Life When Everything Changes for YOU, Good or Bad…

                                A Special Message from your Vision Midwife

Imagine One Epic Moment in your life when everything changes for you, GOOD or BAD….

Imagine the One event that changes your life forever
Many seek to set goals throughout the year. While some goals are met, many are left undone. How do we maneuver our way through life with challenges coming at us in a speed of light? Challenge at the work place, at home front, in business, in health?

Today, I share with you some wisdom nuggets on how to use a moment in our lives to catapult us into our destiny. This lesson is taken from simply observing the life-cycle of a butterfly.
Listen to the 5 Minutes Successblueprint

Until Next time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock
Storyteller, Filmmaker, Behavioral Health & Transformation Interventionist


(c) copyright 2015 The Princess of Suburbia. Original posting at

It’s Warrior Wednesday: When Life’s Raging Storm Refuses to CEASE, Be Fierce to Say Enough!

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experiences
~ Soren Kierkegaard

What do you do when life’s storm keeps pushing against you and you feel like you are at your wit’s end?
life raging storm by Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock                          Hairstyle by CJ Savoy ~Bac to Basic Hair Gallery~ Brentwood, TN
Photography by Ese Morrison Fashions by Princess Herself!

Recently, one of my southern warrior sister-tribe, sister, Dawn D. Totty who is an award winning designer/stager was on her way to yet another interesting assignment. She loves the path to the family’s house that she took the picture to share just the serenity surrounding her as she drive towards the house.
serenity walk in the gardens inspiration                                                         Photography by Dawn D. Totty

I was instantly captivated by the picture and immediately asked if I had permission to use it. That same day, another southern warrior sister-tribe sister, Marlas Triplett-Sells, “Our Teacher-Preacher sister” and her husband Robert Sells were on their way to Indiana for July 4th (independence day) celebration here in the United States. Well, she too sent me a picture. This time it was a picture of them pushing through the storms to get to their destination.

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Believing is Seeing & Seeing Ushers in Your MIRACLE!

Seeing is believing, believing is seeing

Have you ever heard the saying “Seeing is Believing?” It’s Warrior Wednesday and I want to talk to you about that phrase.  I woke up this morning really thinking about it. We leave in a world where we want everything given to us in not only candid color but in microwave seconds!

Seeing is believing, believing is seeing
We have become a world full of impatient people; many who perhaps are now desperate that they would do anything to make things happen in their lives. What is even sad is that many no longer believe in miracles. We want to see before we believe! Whatever happened to FAITH? Whatever happened to trusting GOD anyhow even in the midst of our storm? Whatever happened to understanding that We Must Perceive Our Miracles Before it Happens?

Whatever you may be going through in life, know this: IT IS ONLY TEMPORARY. I know it may sound like cliche, but it is the truth. I have seen poverty and I have seen wealth… all happening in different seasons of our lives.

My Message for Today:

3 Ways you are sabotaging your won success
For us to really partake a MIRACLE in our lives, we must Believe that we are destined for Success as we believe, hope arises in us and gives us the spiritual muscle to start seeing that which we are believing for… as we begin to see it, we get up and start to walk towards it. This requires action from you. As you take massive action towards the path that is ahead of you, MIRACLE shows up.
The teacher will never appear until the student is ready. Are you ready for your miracle? Are you ready to Believe, then See your miracle?

Give this a try today… BELIEVE, SEE your Breakthrough, then expect your MIRACLE!

Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock
Storyteller, Int’l Speaker, Transformation Catalyst

For more original postings: Your Inner You

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(c) Copyright 2015 The Princess of Suburbia(R) Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock