How to be Successful in Life Starting Today!

Discuss your biggest goals and where to start to finally achieve them.

So, you’re reading this now because you want to finally be successful in life. You need to achieve those goals and you ought to start today. It’s never easy but don’t be afraid, it’s time to open the door, step up and don’t ever hold back.

In order for you to get started, you need something to motivate you to push your limits. You need to focus and challenge yourself. Here’s a list of things you need to check for you to get you started.

  • Be responsible and keep your promise.

How well do you keep a promise? Focus on your goals and be responsible to keep your determination to fulfill them. Are you willing to make sacrifices?

  • Search for information and knowledge.

Don’t focus on the outcome. Search for knowledge and fuel your motivation with excitement for new discoveries and improvement.

  • Don’t be so serious, make the expedition exciting.

Getting so serious will make you emotionally distressed then it will make you lose your outlook. Make it an awesome game.

  • Clear your mind, think positive.

Avoid stagnating thoughts. If you have a lot of thoughts in your head, it influences your feelings. Always think positive for a positive outcome.

  • Be creative, use your imagination.

After clearing your mind with negative thoughts, use your creativity and imagination. When you are positive, things will go well. Your mind will work well and your imagination starts to kick in.

  • Wait for the perfect timing to treat yourself.

Sometimes when you fail, you start being nice to yourself and just wait for the perfect timing. You need to take action and action brings results. There’s no such thing as perfect timing as long as you take action. Act now!

  • Focus on what is important.

Avoid meaningless distractions. There will always be something in your way. Get rid of them. Make a list of the things that makes your time and don’t do them again.

  • Be independent.

No one will make you achieve your goals but you so don’t rely on others. Don’t expect them to do it for you. After all, it feels good to get all the credits that you yourself have accomplished.

  • Make a plan.

List down of the things you need to do. What, when and how. Review what you have learned, what are your mistakes and what can you do to improve them.

  • Save yourself from being burned out.

Make sure to take a rest to avoid tiredness and being burned out. Switch between fun activities, something creative and logical. Meditate and let your body and mind rest.

Keep yourself motivated. Never stop looking for new inspiration and ideas. Just remember to always think positive and everything will go smoothly as you planned. Follow all the steps and this will lead you to success!

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Success Factors: The First Golden Step Before Goal Setting

Success Factors: The First Golden Step Before Goal Setting

On your journey to success there are many things you need to consider before you find your unique calling. Here is a key success factor you need to know at the start of your journey; before even thinking about finding your passion and your mission in life, career or business. In this blog post we will be discussing one of my recent podcasts and considering how will you set a goal when you’re not even sure what your purpose is.

The Success Factor: Understanding your Inner Star Power

For you to be able to set a goal you must understand that there is an inner star power that lies inside of you. You will not be able to set any concrete, attainable, feasible goal until you are able to understand your personal inner star power.

What is Inner Star Power?

Your inner star power is that genius in you, it’s what sets you apart from anyone else out there. Your inner star power is that uniqueness that you have, that area of brilliance that you have that no one else on this earth can contend with. Your inner start power is that place you need to tap into.



How do you Tap into that Inner Star Power and How is it a Success Factor?

To tap into your inner star power you need to start asking yourself these essential questions…Who are you? Who do you hope to be? How do you want others to see you?

If I met you on the street, how would you introduce yourself to me? What do you want to be known for? What is your area of brilliance?

It will be impossible for you to be able to truly set goals if you cannot answer those questions.

If you died today, how would you want your eulogy to read? What would you want people to say about you?

Once you figure out the answers to these questions it will become easy for you to set goals; whether they are life goals, relationship goals, career or business goals.



So, who are you? What do you want to be known for?

The number one golden step on your road to success is answering these questions. Figuring out a clear and defined answer is the success factor.

Don’t just say “I’m a nurse practitioner”, “I’m a mother”, “I’m an entrepreneur”, these are just the elements of you, not the whole you. Who are you really? Who are you deep down in your core?

For me, I am a vision midwife. I know that I have been called to help people deliver their vision, so I am not surprised that my path took me on my route to becoming a nurse, an advanced nurse practitioner. The tools I learnt when I was practising as a nurse has enabled me to answer the call to be your vision midwife, to deliver your vision.

Join me next week for another blog update or ‘Like’ my Facebook page to stay up-to-date with my life and insights.

Take care and continue to be the AMAZING person I know you are.

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Imagine an Epic Moment in Your Life When Everything Changes for YOU, Good or Bad…

                                A Special Message from your Vision Midwife

Imagine One Epic Moment in your life when everything changes for you, GOOD or BAD….

Imagine the One event that changes your life forever
Many seek to set goals throughout the year. While some goals are met, many are left undone. How do we maneuver our way through life with challenges coming at us in a speed of light? Challenge at the work place, at home front, in business, in health?

Today, I share with you some wisdom nuggets on how to use a moment in our lives to catapult us into our destiny. This lesson is taken from simply observing the life-cycle of a butterfly.
Listen to the 5 Minutes Successblueprint

Until Next time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock
Storyteller, Filmmaker, Behavioral Health & Transformation Interventionist


(c) copyright 2015 The Princess of Suburbia. Original posting at

Warrior Wednesday: Is Your Job Making You Sick? Admit it, You Hate That Job!

Great Blog Post on Discontentment in Life.
Tag a Friend that Needs to Read this

It is Warrior Wednesday: If You Hate Your Job, It May Be Making You Sick? Find Out Why & How…
“One Event can Change Your Life Forever! Could this be it?” ~ Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock

womanhatejob                                     Aleksander Rubstov/Cultura/Getty Images

It is Monday morning or Tuesday or Wednesday and your alarm clock ticktock its way into your dreamland…time to get up and be ready for work. Yet, you lay in that bed looking at the clock, wishing that the time would just turn back because the truth be told, you really do not want to go to that place of work.

Welcome aboard the boredom ship! You are not alone!
“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have

                                                            twenty-four hour days.” ? Zig Ziglar

If you hate your job, you are not alone! In 2013, Forbes released results of employee polls, which they did worldwide. According to the Gallup reports released that year, there are twice as many “actively disengaged” workers in the world as there are “engaged” workers who love their jobs. When they polled 25 million employees in 189 in different countries, 13 % of the workers feel engaged by their jobs! They defined “feeling engage” as having a sense of passion for their work, a deep connection to their employer, and as such spend their days driving innovation to move the company forward. 63% are “not engaged”, meaning they are unhappy but not drastically so. They regarded themselves as “checked out” and sleep walk through their days, and putting little energy into their work. In addition, 87% of workers worldwide who are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces are less likely to be productive (

Are you part of the statistics who hate their job?  Then check this out.

11 Incredible Qualities of a Difference Maker: MLK’s Life Showcased

Discussion on the life of matin Luther King, the heroic habits with Princess Fumi hancockPrincess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radioand Youtube Channel.

11 Incredible Qualities of a Difference Maker: MLK’s Life Showcased

As we celebrate the Martin Luther King’s day, I cannot help but be in awe at all of the accomplishments he made during his life time.

Many often think being a difference maker is luxurious or glamorous. Well, if you have been a difference maker at some capacity, you will know it is in fact the opposite.
10 Facts You Dont know about martin Lutehr King                                                          

A Little background on Martin Luther King:
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) was a civil rights leader, 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Baptist minister but most of all, he was an husband of a father.

Believe, Receive, and Act like Success

You were Born to Succeed

Do You Believe This? Make this Year, 2015 a year of acceleration and believe. If you do not believe in your own success, no one else will. People are taking the cue from how you treat yourself. If you do not value your giftings, do not expect anyone else to either.

JOIN THE 15 DAYS to Finding My Dream Makers and Dream Breakers  Challenge:



Until Next Time,

#Be Inspired, #Be Motivated, #Be Of Sentimental Value



Princess Fumi S. Hancock, RN, Ph.D
Storyteller, Speaker, Transformation Catalyst, & Dreamweaver
BLOG: http://www.yourinneryou.comJOIN THE TRIBE: Southern Warrior Sisters