I Teach…

coachOver the latest few weeks, we have talked about all the different ways a life coach can help you. This week, I’d like to talk a little about how you can help yourself and become a life coach. This two-part article will lay out a path—a path that you can use to help others.

Step 1

The first step in learning how to become a life coach is to first decide if you truly do want to become a life coach.
Coaching is a process in which a coach works with a client to enhance their quality of life or business. A life coach is not a therapist or adviser. The definition of a Life Coach is someone who works with clients to enhance their quality of life through skilled discussion, goal setting, and action planning. A great life coach is someone who can see past problems and help their client see a way forward without doing it for them.
You must be an individual who likes to help people without imposing your own opinions on individuals. The client speaks for themselves most of the time. This is because the client has the answers inside of them, and a coach simply helps highlight and bring those answers to surface. The client is the real expert in their own lives. You are just the vessel by which they learn.

Step 2

The second step of how to become a life coach is to decide which type of life coach you want to be. There are many different types of life coaching niches such as:

• Weight loss coach
• Relationship coach
• Divorce recovery coach
• Career coach
• Health and wellness coach

The best way to decide the type of life coach to become is to combine your passion with your experience. Take, for example, your own skills. If you have a passion for helping people to thrive in their career and you have experience or education in doing so, then you may consider becoming a career coach.

Step 3

The coaching industry is self-regulated. There aren’t any licensing or certification requirements at this time. In addition, you do not need a coaching degree to become a Life Coach. But you must make sure that you have the right skills and tools to practically apply yourself towards your client’s goals. If you aren’t sure that you have these skills—you may want to take part in a life coach training program and become a certified life coach.
When choosing a training program, keep in mind that there aren’t any federal or state accreditations for life coaching. Therefore, any schools offering certifications are either self-accredited or accredited through a self-accrediting organization, including the International Coach Federation.

Step 4

The forth step of how to become a life coach is to have or learn life coaching skills. Do you have these skills?

• Ability to listen
• Ability to ask powerful questions
• Ability to motivate clients and help them overcome obstacles
• Planning and goal Setting
• Designing action plans
• Neuro Linguistic Programming (how the mind works)
• Ability to understand what’s on the client’s mind
• Experience with life coaching tools
• Life coaching ethics and standards
• Ability to create an awareness in clients

And most importantly…

• Patience

Step 5

After you have received your initial life coach training, you should always be looking to continue your education and expand your skills. Take other life coach classes either online, through books, websites, seminars, workshops, etc. Grow as a life coach and remember that each new client gives you the opportunity to not only help someone fulfil their potential, but help you become a better life coach.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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Dear Princess Column at: www.sentimentalnursewriter.com

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I Speak…

fear11Public speaking can be stressful. When we look at a TV screen or sit in an auditorium to listen a speech, we can pick out a great speaker straight away. Look at how at ease Reverend Robert H. Schuller was in front of his audience. How does he manage to be so in control? Experience. I, personally, believe people over-complicate what they have to do when they stand up to speak publicly. I decided that I would put together four thoughts that I have when I’m planning to speak in public. Let’s check them out…

The Time & The Season

The occasion for the speech can go a long way in helping you determine the topic. Your speech topic will vary depending on whether the occasion is celebratory, just plain fun, solemn, or professional. Here are a few ways that the occasion can help influence your speech topic.

If the occasion is solemn, such as a funeral or memorial service, then your topic should be serious and relevant to the occasion.

If the occasion is fun, such as a toast at a bachelor party, then it’s time to bring out the fun anecdotes and stories and to make people laugh — not to share your passion for coin collecting.

If the occasion is celebratory, like a wedding, then you need to provide some light-hearted humor as well as some serious and sentimental points.

If the occasion is professional, then you need to stick to a professional topic, such as website design, and not focus on your personal experiences.

Know Your Purpose

Your purpose is related to the occasion and is the goal you want to achieve through your speech. Your purpose can be to inform, persuade, or just to entertain your audience. A speech can have a variety of purposes, but it’s important to be acquainted with the most common purposes.

To inform your audience, you’ll need to provide relevant facts and details about a subject that reveals information allowing your audience to see a complicated subject in a more ordinary light, or to learn about a completely foreign subject.

To persuade your audience, you’ll need to use rhetorical techniques, metaphors, and convincing evidence from experts to show them that they should do something, whether it’s to elect you for office, recycle more, or take the time to volunteer in their communities.

To entertain your audience, you’ll need to draw on personal or anecdotal material, tell a few funny stories, show off your great sense of humor, and make your audience laugh, even if you’re communicating an underlying serious message.

Know Your Audience

Consider your audience. If you want to connect to your audience, then you should consider their knowledge before you select a topic. If you’re giving a speech to a group of aspiring writers, then you can comfortably reference other writers and literary terms; if you’re speaking to a group that knows very little about writing, be careful when you make more obscure literary references.

If you’re speaking to a group that has expertise in a subject, then you won’t have to waste their time by discussing the most basic aspects of that topic. You can jump right into the nitty-gritty.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

AVAILABLE: amazonbarnes and noble   

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More blog articles at www.yourinneryou.com
Dear Princess Column at: www.sentimentalnursewriter.com

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Publishing Your Book: Preparing Your Book For Createspace: Part Eleven

once uponAfter writing a book, many people want to know how one goes about publishing a book. A well-known author once said recently that “it’s no great feat to get one’s book published—it’s no great mountain to climb.” He is right, but his opinion is subjective. To you, reading this blog, it is a huge mountain to climb to get your book published. There are many paths you can take up that mountain, but it is still a huge feat.

This week we are going to look at using one of the most common paperback publishing platforms, CreateSpace. Let’s take a look at some of the basics of uploading your book to CreateSpace. You can hire a professional to do this, but more than likely you will want to do it yourself.


This might seem obvious, but a little planning can go a long way to getting best result for your book. I’m not talking about the actual writing of it – you’ve probably got that under control.

Things to think about when you’re planning your book:

Opening and setting up an account with CreateSpace
What size do you want your book to be?
Have you purchased your own ISBN? If you haven’t, don’t worry. CreateSpace will assign an ISBN to your book.
Has your book been formatted?
Now take a few minutes to think about what you’re going to need on hand to complete the publication of your book. You will more than likely want to work all of this out before you even start.
Title of the book
Author name
Series title, if applicable.
Publication date
Description: How are you going to describe your book to prospective readers?
Author biography: What are you going to tell readers about yourself?
Category: Which category are you going to assign your book? Is it inspirational? Is it a romance? What is it?
Keywords: 5 terms that you can input that will help people find your book—for example “western.”
Price: How much is your book going to be to purchase?

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

AVAILABLE: amazonbarnes and noble   

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More blog articles at www.yourinneryou.com
Dear Princess Column at: www.sentimentalnursewriter.com

Download your free sample here

Holding Back the Fears: Conquering Fears — Part 17

fear1The only thing normally holding many people back—and away from their dreams—is themselves. They suffer from terrible fears when they try to better their lives. Inner fears like frustration, failure and lack of confidence allow some to be talked out of success by their own demons. These fears control the lives of many people but can be conquered. This new series of blog articles is all about fears that will hold you back—and how to conquer them. This week we are going to take a look at the ways entrepreneurs overcome fear and succeed through sheer mindset.

Entrepreneurship Is a Lifestyle:

Entrepreneurs wake up as entrepreneurs, go to work as entrepreneurs, come home as entrepreneurs and go to bed as entrepreneurs. There is no nine to five. There is no “work life” and “home life.”
The advantage of this is that you have total control over your business and your professional choices. The disadvantage of this is that you carry your business with you everywhere you go. Entrepreneurship becomes your work and your life, and you need to be prepared for that if you’re going to survive the lifestyle.

Opportunity Comes from Challenge:

Setbacks, obstacles and challenges are painfully common elements of entrepreneurship. Most people react to these hurdles with stress and pessimism, with an attitude that obstacles are negative experiences that only hinder progress. As an entrepreneur, you encounter so many challenges, you simply can’t afford to react this way.
Instead, successful entrepreneurs view challenges as opportunities. Each challenge or setback reveals a key opportunity to grow — either to improve upon an existing weakness or take measures to avoid experiencing a similar setback in the future.

Competitors Are Your Research:

Rather than viewing competitors as a threat, like most people would, entrepreneurs see competitors as enriching opportunities to learn more about their industry and target market. By looking at your competitors’ business models, you can learn what makes yours unique and embellish that uniqueness in your branding and marketing efforts. Studying your competitors’ emphasis on customer experience can teach you how to make yours better.

Mistakes Are Success:

The popular vision of massively successful entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos illustrates them as infallible leaders. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Successful entrepreneurs, even the rock stars among them, often make mistakes. Furthermore, they aren’t afraid to make mistakes, and they know how to learn from them.
Making mistakes is healthy and normal, and the sooner entrepreneurs realize that, the better.


Many business owners keep their business models and directives too rigid, ultimately restricting their ability to grow and leading to failure. Successful entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are constantly searching for individuals and experiences that will challenge their way of thinking and lead them to see things from a new perspective.

Discipline Is Everything:

For most people, it takes extra thought and effort to exercise, wake up on time or do anything other than spend leisure time. To successful entrepreneurs, discipline is normal. It’s a part of their inner training that carries into all aspects of their lives. You have to know what you want and be prepared to do whatever it takes to get it.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

AVAILABLE: amazonbarnes and noble   

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More blog articles at www.yourinneryou.com
Dear Princess Column at: www.sentimentalnursewriter.com

Download your free sample here

It’s Warrior Wednesday: …If Only He Came Soon….


Have you ever felt frustrated, overwhelmed, and in disarray about a situation in your life…. where you wished and thought, if only God had intervened soon enough, your loved one would not have died? If Only God had intervened soon enough, the business or dream you were trying to make happen would not have collapsed? If Only, He had come soon enough, things would not have turned out the way it did.

  “Lord if only…Lord if only… Lord if Only!”

Many are afraid to admit this but there have been times in my life where I just didn’t understand the initial outcome of a promise I knew God had deposited into my life, or why I put so much work into something or someone and it turns sour when I was sure it was God who’d asked me to do that or forge that relationship.

Join me in exploring some scriptural verses today to help ease our minds:
John 11:39 New International Version(NIV) John 11: 1-45
39 “Take away the stone,” he said.
“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

Imagine a loved one gravely ill; your family members prayed and fasted and at the end of the day, that loved one dies… How do you reconcile with this?

Now imagine, a dream you had nursed for long, you have pumped all that you had in it, prayerfully considering your path, pushing forward because you really believed you were made to solve that problem through your innovative idea. At the end of the day, things did not happen the way you envisioned.

Imagine a relationship you were truly dedicated to building, knowing that this person is who you will live the rest of your life with; or go into business with, or perhaps you were meant to mentor, but then it all ended in painful breakups.

The Story of Lazarus:
The story in John 11 is that of Lazarus. He fell gravely ill and his family did all they could to get Jesus attention to visit. When he finally got to the town, he was met with mourners in sack clothes … there was much wailing and turmoil. Many probably did not understand what Jesus was doing as he walked among them examining their countenance. I can imagine all of the murmuring and some saying, what is Jesus doing here? Didn’t He realize that the man – Lazarus is now dead? Some even said it to his face, don’t you see or know that Lazarus has been dead for 4 days? When we needed you to come, you did not show up? What could you possible do now that his body is decaying?

Jesus Response to the People’s Behavior:
How could they have doubted the father? How could they have doubted that he did not hear them? How could they have doubted that He knew exactly what had happened and that he was still the same person who’d performed much miracles before Lazarus death?

But that God many be glorified and that he (Jesus) fulfills his promise…he called out to Lazarus.. and commanded him to come forth from underneath the grave. Immediately, the stones covering the mouth of the tomb were pushed back and Lazarus came out.
300px-'The_Raising_of_Lazarus',_tempera_and_gold_on_panel_by_Duccio_di_Buoninsegna,_1310–11,_Kimbell_Art_Museum                        Source: The Raising of Lazarus, by Duccio, 1310–11

While we may not understand why it takes Forever for God to answer our prayers, He has heard us the very first time we made our request.  Often the answers are waiting for us to fully align with God’s words, be ready to receive it, having the right attitude to sustain the answer.

Wisdom Nugget for Today:
Take the limits off GOD! Take the limits off His Power. He is God who answers ALL prayers and because He sees the future more than we do, HE ANSWERS THE WAY HE KNOWS IT WILL EVENTUALLY BENEFIT US.

In the case of Lazarus, Jesus was not 4 days late but HE WAS RIGHT ON TIME. Likewise, whatever the dream is that seems dead right now, if you take the limits off God, HE will breathe life into it and cause it to prosper at the right time. Our time is never His time. He owns the past, the present and the future and because He knows your DNA, He will never allow any vision, dreams, or goals to crush you ..which can happen if fulfilled sooner.

Today, choose to take the limit off God…. Move into the realm of possibilities, trusting that he knows the right time to release that which you have asked. Continue to abide in the will of the father for your life, crushing every fear, every doubts, every past pains from failure with the understanding that today’s FAILURE is a platform for TOMORROW’S GREATNESS.

Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock, BSN, MA, DNP.
Author, Screenwriter, Speaker, Behavioral Health & Transformation Interventionist


(C) Copyright 2016   The Princess of Suburbia (R).

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Believing is Seeing & Seeing Ushers in Your MIRACLE!

Seeing is believing, believing is seeing

Have you ever heard the saying “Seeing is Believing?” It’s Warrior Wednesday and I want to talk to you about that phrase.  I woke up this morning really thinking about it. We leave in a world where we want everything given to us in not only candid color but in microwave seconds!

Seeing is believing, believing is seeing
We have become a world full of impatient people; many who perhaps are now desperate that they would do anything to make things happen in their lives. What is even sad is that many no longer believe in miracles. We want to see before we believe! Whatever happened to FAITH? Whatever happened to trusting GOD anyhow even in the midst of our storm? Whatever happened to understanding that We Must Perceive Our Miracles Before it Happens?

Whatever you may be going through in life, know this: IT IS ONLY TEMPORARY. I know it may sound like cliche, but it is the truth. I have seen poverty and I have seen wealth… all happening in different seasons of our lives.

My Message for Today:

3 Ways you are sabotaging your won success
For us to really partake a MIRACLE in our lives, we must Believe that we are destined for Success as we believe, hope arises in us and gives us the spiritual muscle to start seeing that which we are believing for… as we begin to see it, we get up and start to walk towards it. This requires action from you. As you take massive action towards the path that is ahead of you, MIRACLE shows up.
The teacher will never appear until the student is ready. Are you ready for your miracle? Are you ready to Believe, then See your miracle?

Give this a try today… BELIEVE, SEE your Breakthrough, then expect your MIRACLE!

Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock
Storyteller, Int’l Speaker, Transformation Catalyst

For more original postings: Your Inner You

Check Out my Podcast: 5 Minutes Success Blueprint
Check Out my Sisters & I (The tribe) : Princess Fumi & Her Southern Warrior Sisters
Care to Find out about my Business side: Let’s Go Innovate
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(c) Copyright 2015 The Princess of Suburbia(R) Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock

It’s Warrior Wednesday: 7 Ways Warriors Can Steer their Vision Without Fear

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Warriors Learn How to Steer their Vision without FEAR

Many walk around in circles; never fully grasping what they need to do to steer their vision. Many are frustrated and about ready to quit on their dreams because age is quickly riding up on them and it just seem like the dream is getting farther eluding them.

ARE YOU TIRED? Are you depressed? Are you confused? Are you overwhelmed and can’t see to find your way out of the unending circle of challenges?
Here are steps you can begin taking today that can /will impact your outcome ultimately:

(1). Believe that you can make it ~ For me, the Word of God has been a great resource where this is concerned.
(2) Understand that there is a season for the breakthrough you are seeking, so discern the season and stay in it.
(3). Do not spend your energy attempting to operate in someone elses’ lane and season. BELIEVE WHEN I SAY THIS, COPY-CATS EVENTUALLY SELF DESTRUCT!
(4). Focus! Focus! Focus!
(5). Write the vision down and make it plain.
(6). Take massive action towards it: One step at a time, you will conquer the mountain.
(7). Be vigilant to align with those who are assigned to you for this season, to uplift, up guard, mentor, guide you t the path you are treading.

Above all, BE READY!

Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock, RN DNP
Storyteller & Screenwriter, Speaker, & Transformational Expert

For More Warrior Wednesdays, CLICK HERE

010: Warrior Wednesday~What an “Original” Possesses that a “Counterfeit” Lacks! Who Are You? [Podcast]

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Buyers! Beware! There is a Copycat in town! Can the counterfeit be YOU?” Don’t be a Fraud!
You were Created to be an Original and not a Counterfeit! Why then are many spending time imitating others? What qualities do “the original creation” possess that a “counterfeit” lacks? Be it in life or in business, we must attain excellence. We each have been created for a unique purpose. It is therefore our duty to spend time discovering that purpose rather than spend time walking in someone else’ lane!

What happens when you walk in someone else’s lane? Find Out on today’s episode of The 5 Minute Success Blueprint. This message is only for the brave at heart and those really looking to cross over!

                                                              Listen to the podcast
To listen to the show, click here. You may also listen on my Youtube channel

  Show highlights
In this episode, I discuss:

Part 3: When Mental illness Strikes Home-front without Warning! “Real Talk” with a Minister continues…

What do you do when Mental Illness hits your home without warning?

Princess Fumi Hancock, The Princess of Suburbia Speaks Out of Success Talks about Jeff GoinsPrincess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar-winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and YouTube Channel.

Hello Friends & Family,

These all three series on Mental Health Issues have really been quite eye-opening. A big thank you to all those who have reached out to share their personal mental illness journey. It is my sincere hope that we have all gained some knowledge and are steered up by Reverend Mary Leonard’s, (founder and President of Overcoming Faith Ministries, New Jersey) journey with a brother who suffers from Schizophrenia.
                      If you missed Part 1, PLEASE CLICK HERE; for Part 2, CLICK HERE

As we wrap up the last in the series, here is my ask again:
Love yourself enough to read this blog, then watch the video presentation. If you won’t even invest time in yourself; then chances are SUCCESS may be difficult to achieve.

                    Dream Makers are great investors in themselves and that of others.
If you missed Part 1, PLEASE CLICK HERE; for Part 2, CLICK HERE
Princess Fumi Hancock, the Princess of Suburbia talks to a Minister, Mary Leonard about living with Mental Illness

Welcome to The Princess in Suburbia Lifestyle Show hosted by the very own Southern Warrior Sister, and President of Let’s Go Innovate, Princess Fumi Hancock. This is a place where we ignite dreams and harness vision.

The Princess in Suburbia Lifestyle TV Show presented by the Princess of SUburbia, Princess Fumi hancock
The presentation you are about to view is about 8 minutes long! This event can truly change your life, even if you don’t currently have anyone in your familyIf you missed Part 1, PLEASE CLICK HERE; for Part 2, CLICK HERE.

She continues her discussion?
(1). What it means to be living with a person with Schizophrenia or other mental illness?
(2). The steps you must take to help that person and to help oneself during this time
(3). What did Mary do when she finally found herself as the custodian to her older brother, after the primary caretaker, their mother passed?
(4). And Lots more….

JOIN THE CHALLENGE: 15 Days to Finding My Dream Makers & Dream Breakers
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MOBILE APP: 5 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast
LISTEN TO 4 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast: HERE

NEED SOME COACHING OR NEED ME AT YOUR NEXT EVENT AS A SPEAKER?  Visit Let’s Go Innovate: launched a 10 Minutes Podcast: Let’s Go Innovate Now!

Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Most of all Be Authentic.
It’s Your Gal,
Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, DNP.
Storyteller, Speaker, Personal Development Success Coach, and a Dream weaver


3 Powerful Daily Habits the Successful Cultivate to Re-engineer Their True Calling

What are the 3 Powerful Daily Habits the Successful Cultivate to Re-engineer Their True Calling?
If you have found yourself spinning in endless circles, and you are desperately seeking a way out of your bottomless pit; if you are just looking for viable and practical tips to help you push to your next level, THIS IS FOR YOU!
Princess Fumi Hancock, The Princess of Suburbia Speaks Out of Success Talks about Jeff Goins
Invest in your own life! Be an active participant and not a ‘bystander’. LISTEN NOW!”

Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar-winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and YouTube Channel.

Hello Friends & Family,

Welcome to The 5 Minute Success Blueprint Experience.

On today’s show, we will explore the 3 Powerful Habits the Rich & Successful Cultivate on a Daily basis, that the Poor minded person may be ignoring! Without these 3 powerful habits, it is simply impossible to re-engineer ones’ TRUE CALLING.

On this episode:
—Princess Fumi Hancock discusses the acronym: SON
—–What does it mean and what role & impact does SON play in re-connecting / re-aligning with Your True Calling or Life Mission?

LISTEN: http://www.spreaker.com/user/the5minutesuccessblueprint/3-powerful-daily-habits-for-success

S: Surrendering to the Process
Obedience to Your Calling before Clear Direction can Appear
Never Giving Up. There is however more to this.

Listen to this 5 Minute wisdom nugget to gain more clarity and perspective.
One Event Can Change Your Life Forever.
Invest in your own life! Be an active participant and not ‘bystander’. LISTEN NOW.


JOIN THE CHALLENGE: 15 Days to Finding My Dream Makers & Dream Breakers
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MOBILE APP: 5 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast
MY TWITTER: www.twitter.com/successlaunchBP
LISTEN TO 4 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast: HERE

NEED SOME COACHING OR NEED ME AT YOUR NEXT EVENT AS A SPEAKER?  Visit Let’s Go Innovate: launched a 10 Minutes Podcast: Let’s Go Innovate Now!

Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Most of all Be Authentic.

It’s Your Gal,
Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, Ph.D.
Storyteller, Speaker, Wealth Generation Expert, and a Dream weaver
