I Write…

once uponWriting content sounds very easy. It’s just a case of sitting down and pouring forth ideas, right? Well… it’s not really that easy. It has to be structured. You have to know what you are going to write, how you’re going to write it, and how the reader will react to it. You have to understand that the reader can click off your website at any moment. You want to keep them there, but you don’t know how. Why don’t you follow the rules of writing content? Let’s take a look at them.

What Do You Want to Achieve?

One major reason for taking your time when writing content is to decide what it is you want to say. What are you hoping your content will accomplish? Is the purpose of your article to explain how something works, put a customer on a determined conversion path, build brand trust? Whatever goal you’ve decided on, have it in mind before you start writing.

And Your Point Is…

Every piece of content you write should have a pretty big hook built into it. Whether it’s a current event, a problem, a joke or an educational piece, you want to decide how you’re going to draw people in. Keeping the hook in mind will help you frame your article and organize it in your head. It will also determine the writing style that you use. Give it a try.

Walk Like a Panther… Think Like Your Reader

Before you put your fingers to the keyboard, get into the heads of your audience because your content is for them. If you’re attempting to explain something, talk about it from their point of view. How deeply would they need something broken down? Which terms would they use? Where might they get confused? Put yourself in the place of your customers and write like they would.

Read Your Content Out Loud and Proud

If you want to improve your content, read it to yourself before you publish it. If you find yourself stumbling over something or think you’re being bland, it may turn your reader off. I never publish or commit to any piece of writing before I’ve read it aloud to myself several times. If you try this technique, you will find yourself writing much better content.

And Then Root Out the Typos

Everyone falls victim to typos. Be careful and re-read your work. Even the biggest books from the biggest publishers have a typo hiding in their best selling books. Take your time, root them out and then publish when you know you’ve done your best.

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Dear Princess Column at: www.sentimentalnursewriter.com

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It’s Warrior Wednesday: …If Only He Came Soon….


Have you ever felt frustrated, overwhelmed, and in disarray about a situation in your life…. where you wished and thought, if only God had intervened soon enough, your loved one would not have died? If Only God had intervened soon enough, the business or dream you were trying to make happen would not have collapsed? If Only, He had come soon enough, things would not have turned out the way it did.

  “Lord if only…Lord if only… Lord if Only!”

Many are afraid to admit this but there have been times in my life where I just didn’t understand the initial outcome of a promise I knew God had deposited into my life, or why I put so much work into something or someone and it turns sour when I was sure it was God who’d asked me to do that or forge that relationship.

Join me in exploring some scriptural verses today to help ease our minds:
John 11:39 New International Version(NIV) John 11: 1-45
39 “Take away the stone,” he said.
“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

Imagine a loved one gravely ill; your family members prayed and fasted and at the end of the day, that loved one dies… How do you reconcile with this?

Now imagine, a dream you had nursed for long, you have pumped all that you had in it, prayerfully considering your path, pushing forward because you really believed you were made to solve that problem through your innovative idea. At the end of the day, things did not happen the way you envisioned.

Imagine a relationship you were truly dedicated to building, knowing that this person is who you will live the rest of your life with; or go into business with, or perhaps you were meant to mentor, but then it all ended in painful breakups.

The Story of Lazarus:
The story in John 11 is that of Lazarus. He fell gravely ill and his family did all they could to get Jesus attention to visit. When he finally got to the town, he was met with mourners in sack clothes … there was much wailing and turmoil. Many probably did not understand what Jesus was doing as he walked among them examining their countenance. I can imagine all of the murmuring and some saying, what is Jesus doing here? Didn’t He realize that the man – Lazarus is now dead? Some even said it to his face, don’t you see or know that Lazarus has been dead for 4 days? When we needed you to come, you did not show up? What could you possible do now that his body is decaying?

Jesus Response to the People’s Behavior:
How could they have doubted the father? How could they have doubted that he did not hear them? How could they have doubted that He knew exactly what had happened and that he was still the same person who’d performed much miracles before Lazarus death?

But that God many be glorified and that he (Jesus) fulfills his promise…he called out to Lazarus.. and commanded him to come forth from underneath the grave. Immediately, the stones covering the mouth of the tomb were pushed back and Lazarus came out.
300px-'The_Raising_of_Lazarus',_tempera_and_gold_on_panel_by_Duccio_di_Buoninsegna,_1310–11,_Kimbell_Art_Museum                        Source: The Raising of Lazarus, by Duccio, 1310–11

While we may not understand why it takes Forever for God to answer our prayers, He has heard us the very first time we made our request.  Often the answers are waiting for us to fully align with God’s words, be ready to receive it, having the right attitude to sustain the answer.

Wisdom Nugget for Today:
Take the limits off GOD! Take the limits off His Power. He is God who answers ALL prayers and because He sees the future more than we do, HE ANSWERS THE WAY HE KNOWS IT WILL EVENTUALLY BENEFIT US.

In the case of Lazarus, Jesus was not 4 days late but HE WAS RIGHT ON TIME. Likewise, whatever the dream is that seems dead right now, if you take the limits off God, HE will breathe life into it and cause it to prosper at the right time. Our time is never His time. He owns the past, the present and the future and because He knows your DNA, He will never allow any vision, dreams, or goals to crush you ..which can happen if fulfilled sooner.

Today, choose to take the limit off God…. Move into the realm of possibilities, trusting that he knows the right time to release that which you have asked. Continue to abide in the will of the father for your life, crushing every fear, every doubts, every past pains from failure with the understanding that today’s FAILURE is a platform for TOMORROW’S GREATNESS.

Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock, BSN, MA, DNP.
Author, Screenwriter, Speaker, Behavioral Health & Transformation Interventionist


(C) Copyright 2016   The Princess of Suburbia (R).

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Get Over Yourself & Out of Your Own Way!

Get Out Your Own Way!

get out of your own way

Many see success as a mystery because they have had so many unsuccessful ventures &/or relationships that they have now resolved that perhaps they are not meant to succeed.

On today’s episode, Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock will talk frankly and help you understand why you have failed or things are not going quite well in your life. LISTEN HERE!

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.theprincessofsuburbia.com

(c) 2015 Princess of Suburbia (R) Original posting at yourinneryou.com

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Imagine an Epic Moment in Your Life When Everything Changes for YOU, Good or Bad…

                                A Special Message from your Vision Midwife

Imagine One Epic Moment in your life when everything changes for you, GOOD or BAD….

Imagine the One event that changes your life forever
Many seek to set goals throughout the year. While some goals are met, many are left undone. How do we maneuver our way through life with challenges coming at us in a speed of light? Challenge at the work place, at home front, in business, in health?

Today, I share with you some wisdom nuggets on how to use a moment in our lives to catapult us into our destiny. This lesson is taken from simply observing the life-cycle of a butterfly.
Listen to the 5 Minutes Successblueprint

Until Next time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock
Storyteller, Filmmaker, Behavioral Health & Transformation Interventionist

SUBSCRIBE TO HER BLOG: www.yourinneryou.com

(c) copyright 2015 The Princess of Suburbia. Original posting at yourinneryou.com

It’s Warrior Wednesday: 7 Ways of Standing TALL, FIRM, & STILL in the Midst of a Raging Storm

What do you do when all hell  breaks loose in your home, at your place of work and you look around and help seems to elude you?
When raging storm of life ceases to stop                                                              Genius.com

How do you overcome all the confusion, frustration, and the overwhelming sense of disconnection with a relationship, a work place, your boss… whoever you may slide into this question?

Here are steps (which I call my wisdom nugget)  to help you move through your most difficult season:

(1). Understand that this season is TEMPORARY;
(2). Be Still… Be Still… Be Still…;
(3). Truthfully assess your circumstances and make sure that you have not brought this particular situation on, due to your action or inaction;
(3b). If you have, then repent and chart a new course for yourself without regrets;
(4). If not, begin to thank the heavenly father because your storm is about to shift into a victory dance;
(5). No one lives alone….We are created to live life with others. As such, figure out who your confidant is and share this agonizing situation with him or her;
(6). In all that you do, PUT GOD FIRST!
(7). Understand that your Creator has your back no matter what!
(8). PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! And meditate on God’s Words. The answers you are seeking are embedded in his words.

Until Next Time,
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Princess Fumi S. Hancock

More blogs articles: HERE
Listen to Princess Fumi & Her Southern Warrior Sister Talk Radio
My Podcast: The 5 Minutes Success Blueprint
TRIBE: Southern Warrior Sister Tribe

(C) Copyright 2015~ The Princess of Suburbia(R): Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock

010: Warrior Wednesday~What an “Original” Possesses that a “Counterfeit” Lacks! Who Are You? [Podcast]

It’s Warrior Wednesday: Buyers! Beware! There is a Copycat in town! Can the counterfeit be YOU?” Don’t be a Fraud!
You were Created to be an Original and not a Counterfeit! Why then are many spending time imitating others? What qualities do “the original creation” possess that a “counterfeit” lacks? Be it in life or in business, we must attain excellence. We each have been created for a unique purpose. It is therefore our duty to spend time discovering that purpose rather than spend time walking in someone else’ lane!

What happens when you walk in someone else’s lane? Find Out on today’s episode of The 5 Minute Success Blueprint. This message is only for the brave at heart and those really looking to cross over!

                                                              Listen to the podcast
To listen to the show, click here. You may also listen on my Youtube channel

  Show highlights
In this episode, I discuss:

Warrior Wednesday: 7 Attributes of “Warriors” which Make Them a “Slam Dunk” Success!

It’s Warrior Wednesday: What are the 7 Attributes of “Warriors “which Make them a “Slam Dunk” Success?
A Warrior girl knows when to go to war and when to be still
  source: adjunct professor

A “Warrior” Knows when to go to war and when to be still for the battle to be won! Do You?

I woke up this morning with the word “Warrior” on my mind and try to imagine what the word really means. A warrior is “a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.”  When you go by this definition, then you know naturally that there will be some wars/battles which you will engage in.

But being a “warrior” does not entail being in a battle alone.  On the other hand, there are many times we desperately want to avoid confrontations and battles all for the sake of peace and harmony. This may be at our own peril! As there are just some battles we must fight and win if we must move to our next success level.

“We will not win a battle, neither will be succeed at anything if we are passive aggressive in our relationships, or adopt a passive aggressive pose when we choose to do things our own way and not pay attention to all the hurdles life is placing in our path.”

A True Warrior understands that Passive Aggressiveness is a Poison, which if allowed to fester in his or her life will cause great frustration, self pity-party, and so much pain!

5 Instant Ways to Find Your Inner Genius and Get Unstuck!

What are the 5 Instant Ways to Find Your Inner Self and Get Unstuck!

Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar-winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and YouTube Channel.

Have you ever thought to find Yourself in this busy world where everything is coming at you at a speed of light?

One day you wake up and you are convinced you know exactly what you should be doing but when the night falls, other things may have taken over your mind!

It is time to get unstuck. Learn the 5 Instant Ways You Can Use TODAY to Unleash Your Inner Genius and Get Unstuck. Education is key to understanding our plight. Success will not fall on you unless you choose to take massive action starting right now, starting TODAY.



 This 5 Minutes Blueprint Podcast unveils the truth and what we need to doing right now to achieve our dreams and success!

JOIN THE CHALLENGE: 15 Days to Finding My Dream Makers & Dream Breakers



DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MOBILE APP: 5 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast

LISTEN TO 4 Minutes Success Blueprint Podcast: HERE

NEED SOME COACHING OR NEED ME AT YOUR NEXT EVENT AS A SPEAKER?  Visit Let’s Go Innovate: launched a 10 Minutes Podcast: Let’s Go Innovate Now!

Until Next Time,

Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Of Sentimental Value, and Most of all Be Authentic.

It’s Your Gal,

Princess Fumi Hancock, RN, DNP.

Storyteller, Speaker, Personal Development Success Coach, and a Dream weaver




11 Incredible Qualities of a Difference Maker: MLK’s Life Showcased

Discussion on the life of matin Luther King, the heroic habits with Princess Fumi hancockPrincess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radioand Youtube Channel.

11 Incredible Qualities of a Difference Maker: MLK’s Life Showcased

As we celebrate the Martin Luther King’s day, I cannot help but be in awe at all of the accomplishments he made during his life time.

Many often think being a difference maker is luxurious or glamorous. Well, if you have been a difference maker at some capacity, you will know it is in fact the opposite.
10 Facts You Dont know about martin Lutehr King                                                                    history.com

A Little background on Martin Luther King:
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) was a civil rights leader, 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Baptist minister but most of all, he was an husband of a father.

6 Daily Proclamations to Ignite Your Inner Rock Star!

Princess Fumi Hancock, The Princess of Suburbia Speaks Out of Success

Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!. Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe. Follow her blog and get an early start at boosting your self-esteem for successful living while employing successful tips for maximizing your career or business. Connect with Princess Fumi on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, 5 Minute Success Blueprint Podcast, Radio, and Youtube Channel.

6 Daily Proclamations to Ignite Your Inner Rock Star
Hello Friends and Fellow Tribers:

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The 5 Minute Success Blueprint is now available to be downloaded on google app stores or check out your app store. Please take time to download. A little wisdom nugget goes a long way to making the right decision as we live our lives.

Until next time,

Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be of Sentimental Value

Princess Fumi Hancock
Writer, Speaker, Transformation Catalyst, & Dreamweaver