I Write…

writingThis blog is all about decisions—a decision that could take you to the next level—a decision that could allow your business to grow. I have put together four reasons why you should consider a ghost writer. These four reasons are a checklist. I want you to look over them and place a check against the reasons that would simplify your business life and give you time to grow, expand and become bigger. If you come away from this blog with three checks or more, I think you should investigate hiring a content writer—seriously. The time to act is the moment you realize action is needed!

Save Time

Would you rather just focus on growing your business? Hiring a ghost writer for your blog will free up some time so you can use your talents more effectively elsewhere. If you are spending more time creating content than you are spending bringing in new business, you may want to adjust your priorities.

Share Excellence

You may not be a great writer, but the business demands excellence. Perhaps you don’t need a ghost writer to take over your blog from start to finish; maybe you just need someone to proofread and edit your content before publishing. A good editor can help you fix your grammar and spelling, be more concise, and better organize your thoughts.

Cultivate Talent

You should try to update your blog with brand new content once a week. In order to keep coming up with relevant topics, you need to be clued into your industry, monitoring the mindsets of your readers, watching trends. It’s certainly an ongoing process. Some people are better at this than others. Sometimes you just don’t have the time. Sometimes you need to delegate. Again, you may not need a ghost writer to handle all your blog responsibilities… maybe you just need someone to research and brainstorm ideas with you.

Social Media Manager

Once your blog is written and published, you’re going to want to generate interest and attract new followers. This means posting on various social media, publishing an e-newsletter, monitoring and responding to comments, talking about your blog at networking events, maintaining a subscriber list, and anything else that will help get the word out. Remember, when it comes to blogging, you can’t rely on an “if you build it, they will come” mentality; someone has to constantly be plugging your blog and getting more eyeballs on it. It’s a full time job.

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I Speak…

coachLast week, we touched upon a problem many public speakers have. That problem is not knowing how to breathe correctly. Now, we all know that we are born with the ability to breathe—but to breathe correctly when speaking in public is another thing altogether. I thought it might be a good idea to share a few tips with you about correct breathing—tips you can take with you and help turn your speaking engagements into huge successes. This week, we will discuss relaxing before your speaking engagement, so these are tips to help you breathe to relax. Let’s try them out!

Deep Breathing Means Relaxing

For those who do not regularly practice deep breathing, they may not know all the health benefits. Learning how to properly deep breathe, and letting that breath fill your lungs and travel through your whole body, can help you to relax and take on anything that may be going on in your life. This is at the heart of your well-being and healthy living, so it is crucial to learn how to deep breathe properly and practice it regularly.

Breathing for Better Health

Deep breathing and learning to embrace this practice is part of healthy living and well-being. Learning to embrace it, and develop and practice breathing patterns that work for you, is a huge part of living the best life possible.

Exhale Longer Than Your Inhale

You should be letting the exhale take twice as long as the inhale to get the most out of it. This will take some practice. Take the time to take each breath in but then take twice as long to let it out so that you can really feel it throughout your whole body.

What Stress?

Stress can be easily melted away if you learn how to make deep breathing a part of your life. As you feel the stress coming on and starting to settle within your body, take the time to step away and take a few good deep breaths to allow the stress to simply melt away in no time.

What Pain? Is Pain Distracting You?

There is a reason why women in labor practice breathing exercises — it really does help with the worst pain!   By practicing deep breathing exercises, you can block out the pain and focus instead on this therapeutic exercise for your well-being.

Stretch for Well-Being

Yoga is a great part of a healthy lifestyle, not just for the exercise that it brings, but for the stretching and breathing that it incorporates. When you are stretching and focusing on your breathing, you are working on your overall well-being, and this can work wonders for your physical and mental well-being.

Breath Yourself to Energy

As you take in deep breaths, you will feel rejuvenated, and this brings natural energy to your body. Learning to take breath in the appropriate way and holding it will pour energy onto every bone and muscle in your body, which will bring you the natural energy you are seeking.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Write…

writingFor most companies and successful individuals there is an understanding. This understanding is a simple one—it says “content sells.” But how do you get content? Do you have time to sit in your busy life and write content? That’s why many successful companies, individuals, and entities use ghost writers to create content for them and here’s why…

Easy and Efficient

Ghost-writers can manage the process of blog or article writing from beginning to end. They will interview and capture the content needed to establish a solid point of view, follow up directly with your content experts, gain approvals and make any necessary changes before delivering a final version. They work without any need for you to supervise. Just like a well-oiled machine.

The Voice

This is one of the most important reasons to bring a ghost-writer on board – although it might have been a show-stopper for you before now. The truth is that experienced ghost-writers have written many hundreds—thousands even—of blogs and articles for companies, so they know exactly how to capture the voice of content owners.

Research…. Who Does It?

Ghost-writers are expert researchers, which means they can fact-check and provide supporting statistics and meaningful industry information that will enrich the content owner’s blog and content. They can add links to sources for extra search engine boosts, too. Can your overworked secretary do this as a side job? Not as efficiently.

Busy, Busy, Busy Media Calendar

A ghost-writer working for you can develop a full year of frequently published content. Timely and continuous publishing of content can help increase your company’s brand as your content owners get more and more recognition in the industry. Busy means successful—remember that.

A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned…

If your need for content is large enough, you could add an additional resource to your staff. But most marketing managers find it’s more economical and just plain easier to have an outside resource fill this need, as you only need to call upon a ghost-writer when needed and pay less per project that you would with a writer on salary.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Teach…

once uponMeeting a life coach for the first time can be a confusing affair. When you first enter into a relationship with a coach it’s important for you to realize that you have to take responsibility for what will happen. I think this is the idea time to share with you a few questions that you may want to ask yourself—and your coach.

What is it that I want to accomplish?

You may have specific goals or your goal may be to get more clarity around your goals. Be clear on what you want to accomplish to invest your energy in the most beneficial way.

What kind of coach do I need?

There are a variety of coaches, who fall under titles such as executive coach, nutritional coach, spiritual guide, healer, holistic coach, or life coach. Some focus on business, relationships, health and wellness, or life in general. Set a clear intention to find the most perfect coach for you. Know what is important to you and look for that in your coach.

What results have they achieved?

Check their references. Do you like the results they have achieved with their other clients? Are those the types of results you are looking for? While results will vary on the individual, you can see what the coach values. If the coach has a list of clients who made their first million and that is your goal, then it may be the perfect fit. If you are looking for more inner peace, a list of people who have made millions might not be the right coach for you.

What have they achieved in their own life?

Does the coach live the type of life you respect? If you are looking for peace in your life, does your coach give you the sense of serenity? Is your goal more confidence and they exude strength? Are they using their own tools to manifest their dreams? While your coach may not live exactly the same way as you in the physical realm, they may just have something inside, like clarity of purpose, which is your greatest desire.

Is the coach truly giving me advice?

You have all the inner resources you need to solve even your most complicated problems. While it may feel good in the short term to have someone answer the questions for you for a variety of reasons, the best coaches will provide you with a safe environment and framework to guide you to the answers within your heart. This also allows you to build the skills you need when your coach is not around.

Do I really have chemistry with the coach?

You are going to spend your valuable time with your coach. Do you actually like them as a person? Do you trust them? You need a coach you trust to open up to and really get to the heart of the matter. The more open and authentic you can be, the more you will get out of the relationship with your coach. If you do not trust them, trust yourself – and select another person.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Speak…

fear1One of the toughest parts of public speaking is defining your audience and knowing how to work their interest to your favor. This blog article is all about the act of entertaining—entertaining your audience and allowing them to get the most out of your speech.

Movement… Is Your Food

When it comes to using body language, you should be asking yourself: “How can I use movement and gestures to be effective in my presentation?” Here’s an easy formula to remember, one that will help you avoid sleepy audience… Neutral, Open, Defined, and Strong. You should begin in a neutral position with hands at your sides. That keeps you open to your audience, so that influence flows freely in both directions. Gesture sparingly, using defined or “clean” hand movements, and make them strong.

Your Voice

As I mention above, your voice is physical, so it’s obviously a component of effective body language. In fact, aside from your brain, your voice is the most flexible communication instrument you own.

So you should learn how to use your voice to influence others. I don’t mean only in terms of voice and speech improvement. I’m also referring to the many ways vocal expressiveness helps you indicate meaning and intention.

Listen to speakers good and bad, and listen some more. Take a voice and diction course. Or work with a speech coach, preferably one who trained as an actor. One thing to strive for is to find your “true voice.” Literally and figuratively, it can make a radical difference in whether your real message is heard.

Using Space to Your Advantage

When you speak in public, a certain amount of space on the stage is yours by right. You should claim it! Leaders know how to project power by the way they stand and move; and of course, when you speak in public, you are a leader. Learn how to occupy space in a way that proclaims you’re comfortable in the spotlight. Nothing demonstrates confidence like a speaker who is at ease in their own skin in front of an audience.

When you speak, the stage is your world. Show your audience that they can have confidence in what you’re telling them by commanding the space around you. Don’t be overly dramatic, but don’t minimize the area through which you move.

Technology, Items and You

Stage actors know that good actors use props, and bad actors are used by their props. This isn’t just a witticism. Inexperienced performers are discombobulated by a property—a cigarette holder, a wine glass, even a sword or a gun. Solid professionals, on the other hand, understand that the prop exists to help them define their character for the audience. So they use it in a way only that character would.

When you deal with objects in a presentation, from a remote clicker to a handout to the slide screen itself, find a way to help that object further your message and its impact. The object is there for a reason. How can it help you get your message across?

Facial Expressiveness

We might call this the forgotten relative in the family. Yet the human face is vital to communication, from recognizing another person to understanding the subtle clues that underlie motive. Audience members depend upon your facial expressions to augment meaning.

If you don’t have an expressive face, work with a mirror to create a link between what you’re trying to express verbally, and how your facial expressions make your meaning clear. As part of your practice, give your entire talk without a sound coming out of your mouth even though you form all the words, letting your face do all the communicating.

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I Write…

once uponFormatting and uploading an e-book can be one of the most frustrating parts of publishing a book. It’s a completely different process to formatting a paperback or a hardcover, and it can be frustrating to see your perfect looking Word file turned into a jumbled mass of words when it’s uploaded and previewed. This blog article is all about formatting your e-book from your Word document. Just a few tips to help your frustration…

Fiverr Is Your Friend!

Yes, you can do it all yourself, but really, it’s much easier to let someone else do it. E-book formatting often costs around $100, but you can get it done for $15, or even less on Fiverr.

E-Books Are a Living Thing…

The most important thing is that the text works and is easy to read – so if you’re trying to do anything too complicated, let it go. Simple is usually the solution. Look at any mainstream published e-book – they rarely have special fonts or images and are super minimal.

You can’t set up everything exactly because readers need the ability to enlarge the text, change the font, and the e-book will look different on every device and previewing tool. Rather than add a lot of style, you need to remove as much style as possible and make everything very simple.

Start with Your Word file

The easiest way to make an e-book is to start by setting up your Word file the right way. Use automatic paragraph indents not tabs. Use the “heading1” style for all chapter titles, and check that a TOC is being made automatically. If you’ve done it right, you can use a simple online e-book conversion tool, or upload it straight to Kindle, or run it through Calibre, and everything should look just as you set it up in Word.

There Is No Page!

If you learn one thing about formatting an e-book it should be this: Inside an e-book, there is no page. This is the hardest thing for would-be e-book publishers to get their heads around, and I understand. It was hard for me too. Seriously.

Don’t Overdo the Fonts

Try to use the same font and font size throughout the book for both text and headings. Select a standard font face such as Times Roman or Verdana in 12-point size. Use italics in the text where appropriate, but no underlines. It makes everything else easier.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Speak…

once uponSometimes, even the best public speakers or performers find themselves in the worst possible position. They find themselves failing in front of an expectant audience. This blog post is all about the disasters that can befall a public speaker. Let’s hope these things never happen to you.

Losing Your Mind

At some point in time, you’re going to have a senior moment.  It happens to everyone. As our lives move faster and faster, it’s normal that our brains will occasionally get left behind.  What do you do?  The answer is: Wait.  It will seem like forever to you, but it will be only a few seconds in real time.  So wait it out.  The words will come to you.  Your brain will catch up with your mouth.  Just give it time. Sometimes you just need to be calm, kick back, and smile.

Unhappily Being Heckled

This happens more often than you might think. Some people really enjoy making themselves heard. The natural instinct is to avoid a heckler because the whole experience is unpleasant.  But fight the instinct on this one and do the counter-intuitive thing—stand up to the heckler.

Bad, Bad Technology

If you use technology, it will crash.  Seriously. At some point, it will crash. The answer is to have a version of your presentation ready to go – always – that doesn’t depend on technology.  Be prepared to tell good stories without those colorful slides.  Have a Plan B!

Greedy Speakers

Just as you have a non-tech version of your talk ready to go, you should also have a short version ready to go for the inevitable time when the speaker before you simply won’t stop talking.  That allows you to look like a hero for getting the agenda back on track.  In extraordinary circumstances, you can take your time out of the next part of the agenda, but get the conference organizer both to agree to it and announce it.  Otherwise, it’s your fault, and everyone will hate you for keeping them from their lunch. Don’t continue the greedy behavior of the speaker in front of you—change direction and win.

Audience Expectations

Sometimes, you will find yourself in front of an audience smaller than you expected. Be warm and thank them all for coming—then dive in with all your might. If you get a bigger crowd than you expected, try to get people seated as comfortably as possible and then keep eye contact with as many people as you can. If you are faced with a lot of noise—don’t worry—wait until they quiet down and start with a smile.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Teach…

sleepThis blog post is all about YOU! Have you recently started with a life coach but you are unsure how it is going? Have you been trying to work out how to get the most out of the coach you’ve chosen and hired? This blog post is all about the mindset you will need to get the most out of your chosen coach. The coach has a responsibility to do their best to help you become a better YOU… but you also have a responsibility to clear your mind and be open to change. At the end of the day, only you can enact change… or kill it. Let’s look at the mindset you will need for successful coaching to take place.

Start with a Clear Head

If you can, write a list of the areas you want to work on before you start your coaching sessions. If you are not sure about what you want to work on, you can let your coach know when you initiate coaching and work on this together. The clearer you are, the easier it will be to achieve your goals.

Start Ready to Make Change Happen

Coaching really does takes commitment. Be prepared to work hard and be challenged during every session. Coaching is about making changes and achieving different results to what you are achieving now. You will need to be in it for the long game and be prepared to try new things. Your coach’s job is to help you to go beyond what you normally do and achieve. The purpose of coaching is to see where you can improve in the area of life you are working on. Be ready to work and achieve.

Start Prepared

Be prepared for each session. You will work with your coach during each session to create actions to complete for the next session. These actions will help you to move towards your goal. Make sure you do what you promise and turn up prepared each time. Completing these action steps may be very challenging at times, but the real work happens between sessions.

Start Punctually

Treat your coaching sessions and coach with respect and be punctual for coaching sessions. If you are always late for appointments and you are doing the same with your coaching sessions, this could be an area that you could use your sessions to work on. This would also be a good area for you to work on regardless. Being punctual is a part of business life.

Start with Change in Mind

Know that by undertaking the coaching process, you are saying that it is time to move your life forward with absolute commitment and confidence. Be prepared for change. Coaching will have positive impacts on many areas of your life, not just the area you are working on. Be open and willing to change. Don’t hire a coach because someone has told you that you should or because it sounds good. Do it because you are ready to change and take full responsibility for engaging in the process. Be open to anything.

Start Totally Committed

The coaching process takes absolute commitment from you. To achieve anything extraordinary in life, you need to be willing to engage, work hard and move past obstacles and your own fears. Make sure you are ready to take on the commitment when you start your coaching sessions. Being clear about your commitment will help you get through the challenges you will face along the way. Your coach will be committed, and you should be, too!

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I Teach…

once uponBeing a life coach takes more than just learning from a book. There are skills you will need that you already have, yet you may not even know that you have them. Coaching is a little bit like having a good conversation with a friend. A great coach can have a natural rapport with anyone simply by taking advantage of a few of the skills they already have. Let’s look at those skills…

Be Curious About What Your Client Has to Say

When we speak about listening with curiosity, we’re talking about showing genuine interest in what others are saying to you. All too often we listen without really showing interest. We are impatient and truly show a lack of attentiveness, which in turn hampers constructive conversation. We are too focused on our own agenda. Be genuinely curious. Don’t do all the talking, and keep interruptions to a minimum.  Pace the conversation, and don’t be afraid to keep it focused and on target. Be involved and your client will be involved, too.

Take It All In

Sometimes you can project all the necessary nonverbal cues to give the other person a sense that you’re listening with curiosity, but you could still be failing to take in any information. While projecting a sense of curiosity, don’t forget to absorb and register what is actually being said. You need to hear the words, read the gestures, and take in the thoughts, ideas, and emotions of the other party. To take in what you hear, you need to pace the conversation and put yourself in the shoes of the other party. If you aren’t listening—you aren’t coaching.

Reflection Is Key

Reflecting back with accuracy shows the person you’re really listening and confirms that you have digested the right information. It also allows the person to hear back what he or she has said and to check within him or herself: Is it exactly what he or she meant to say? Try to take notes, and refer back to them often. Don’t be afraid to ask your client to delve deeper into what they’ve said. Try to get to the root of their issues.

Ask Questions…

Asking questions extends the conversation and allows for a more productive dialogue. Ask open-ended questions that allow more exploration to take place. By asking open ended questions, you give your protégés an opportunity to find answers within themselves. When someone actually discovers the answers for themselves, it empowers them. When you question for exploration, you reinforce in their minds that you believe in them, and that their opinions, knowledge, and experience are worthwhile. You build their confidence. A true coach will always look to build the confidence of their client.

Don’t Be Afraid to Give Back

Feedback is often thought of as being inherently critical, but that need not be the case. Successful coaches are careful and discriminating about how they employ feedback, knowing that poor or incomplete feedback could stifle their protégés or even cause feelings of inadequacy in them. The successful coach avoids the common mistake of using feedback as a vehicle for asserting expertise. Unclear, arrogant, or dismissive feedback can drive your protégés into defensiveness and destroy the trust so critical to your relationship. When providing feedback, coaches should strive to make it clear, make it relevant, make it helpful, and make it positive. Try to always end on a positive note.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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I Speak…

fear1We’ve looked at some of the major ways to learn how to better your public speaking, but this week we are going to look at a few things it would be unwise to do. Many public speakers fall into these traps—but with a little bit of help, you will avoid them altogether and forge a successful and powerful speaking personality.

Don’t Forget to Tailor Your Speech to Your Audience

Ask yourself: “Who is my audience? What are their issues? How does my message actually help them? How much do they know about my topic? What will I ask them to do in response to my message?” All the best practices in public speaking depend upon this first tenet: Know Your Audience, and know them well enough to realize that they want what they want.

Those Wanderin’ Eyes

From beginners to veterans, the majority of speakers fail to maintain meaningful, sustained eye contact with their listeners. Lack of eye contact implies a list of offenses: insincerity, disinterest, detachment, insecurity, shiftiness, and even arrogance. To visually connect with your audience, try to maintain eye contact for at least two to three seconds per person, or long enough to complete a full phrase or sentence. Effective eye communication is the most important nonverbal skill in a speaker’s toolbox.

Yes, Your Mannerisms Can Be Annoying

There are, at least, twenty common tics to tackle, including: clenching or wringing your hands, pacing back and forth, keeping your hands in pockets, jingling change or keys, twisting your ring, gripping the lectern, licking your lips, adjusting your hair or clothing, fidgeting with a pen, bobbing your head, placing your arms behind your back, and touching your face. Record yourself speaking and watch the playback. Practice often to increase your comfort level and reduce anxiety.

You Didn’t Have Time to Rehearse?

Most great speakers prepare. To optimize their perception of you and get the outcome you want, perform the entire presentation aloud at least once, and the opening and closing at least three times. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you know what you are doing and saying, without having to put the work into presentation.

“That Speaker Lacked Energy…”

Enthusiasm is an audience’s most desired trait in a presenter. Conversely, a boring delivery — evidenced by a low monotone voice, dull facial expressions, and overall lethargy — is their most disliked trait. Ever see the movie “Ferris Bueller?” Think about that droning teacher and avoid channeling him at all costs. Increase your energy level. Speak expressively, smile naturally when you feel a smile is warranted, move naturally, and enjoy the moment. Just be the speaker everyone knows you can be.

Achieve Your Dreams, Ignite Your Vision, & Re-engineer Your Life Purpose

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