It’s Warrior Wednesday: If You Have Ever Felt Insignificant Before, this is For YOU!

Have you ever felt so Insignificant? You seem to be trying everything and it just feels like you are not gaining victory grounds. You are desperate… in pain… confused…
overwhelmed…frustrated… Just plain tired! It is Warrior Wednesday and this message is tailor-made for YOU!
Furstrated business people                                                               source: weber consulting

If you have ever  felt insignificant in the course of your life; if you’ve ever felt like your contributions have not been recognized, if you’ve ever doubted that your gift or who you are matters to anyone, here is a wonderful message for you… It’s a chapter pulled from my book, Your Vision Torch: An Innovator’s Prescription to Igniting Your Dreams & Harness Your Vision (pg. 85…)

“Faith is an antidote to Frustration and Weariness” – Dr. Princess Fumi Hancock   
Let’s start this journey with a pivotal question:
Do you really believe that you can get what desire?

“Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eye can see” – William Newton Clark

Faith is a strong ingredient to moving forward with our vision. Without faith, we will grow weary, and when we get weary, we will only be removed farther from our vision. It is therefore imperative that regardless of what our immediate circumstances dictate, we must push through with faith and trust that the vision is for an appointed time and that it will come to pass.

WE MUST HOWEVER DO OUR OWN PART! That is, you can only ignite your own vision.
” No man can do for you what you ought to do, but hat which already lies half
asleep  in the dawning of your knowledge.”
–  Kahlil Gibran

The knowledge you garner through the years, your belief system,YOU, as well as the Creator’s promises are the ingredients in your torch to light your vision and set it ablaze for the world to see. ALL OF THESE INGREDIENTS MUST EXIST FOR IGNITION TO OCCUR.

Thoughts to Ponder:
Knowledge~ Get Educated
Belief System~ Hone it
YOU~ Believe You were Made to Succeed and Reconnect with YOU
Creator’s Promises~ He is sovereign and he reigns supreme. His plans for you are great. Tap into it.

Until Next Time
Be Inspired, Be Motivated, Be Empowered, Be Of Sentimental Value, Be Authentic

Dr. Fumi S. Hancock, RN, DNP
Nurse-Writer, Speaker, Transformation Expert

Want to read more on Warrior Wednesday? CLICK HERE

Princess Fumi Hancock is the Princess of Suburbia®, a bestselling author, African Oscar winning Storyteller, Speaker, TV & Radio Host, and a Dreamweaver (President, Let’s Go Innovate ™ & Adassa Adumori Foundation). She is also the Creator of The SUCCESS LAUNCH BLUEPRINT & YOUR INNER YOU, a program & blog which help her clients to discover, ignite, live, launch and turn their passion into profit, fearlessly without going broke!Princess Fumi is also the Ringleader of the Southern Warrior Sisters Tribe.